Summer Social Series: Four Quarters Brewery
Harvard-Yale Alumni/ae Mixer at Four Quarters Brewery in Winooski, Vermont
We had so much fun last summer connecting with our friends at the Yale club, we wanted to do it again! This is a casual social event. Join us on the Four Quarters patio (rain or shine) anytime between 5pm and 7pm on Thursday, June 16th. RSVP's are not required for attendance, but we'd appreciate a head count, so please sign up below if you plan to attend.
Four Quarters Brewery
70 Main Street
Winooski, VT 05404
[ Get Directions ]
RSVP Here...
Look Who's Coming:
Francesca Childs
Marisa Houlahan
Brian Murphy
Caroline Weaver
Harvard-Radcliffe Club of VT
Harvard-Radcliffe Club of VT
Kevin Sparrow
Kyle Dodson
Burlington YMCA
Burlington YMCA
Carolyn Sawin
Allie Schachter
Foster America
Foster America
Sam Gale Rosen
Kyle Dodson
Burlington YMCA
Burlington YMCA
Marion McCollom Hampton
Kim Pope
Harvard 01
Harvard 01
Richard Middleton
Jim Lengel
Frannie Palmer
Winooski School District
Winooski School District
Jim Lengel
Jim Lengel
... a total of 17 guests.
Note: to opt out from this list please sign in, go to My Account and change your preferences under My RSVPs.